
nertial Navigation Mapping System

慣導測繪系統是一款無動力獨立慣導測繪設備,通過收線器將設備在管道內進行拖拽測繪,慣導測繪設備可在管道內無 GPS 定位系統的情況下能夠準確測繪出地下管線的軌跡,生成三維圖。設備可根據管徑大小,自由更換不同尺寸的滑輪組,可適用於頂管、工業管網等管道較長、管道內部障礙物較少、管道坡度較大的地下管網。
獨立性強:無需外界提供 GPS 輔助定位信號,適用於地下管網環境。
The inertial navigation mapping system M-NMS001 is a non-power driven independent inertial surveying device. The surveyor drags the device through the pipeline by the wire take-up device. The inertial mapping device accurately maps the trajectory of underground pipelines without the GPS positioning inside the pipeline and the device generates a three-dimensional map. The surveyor can freely change the device wheels to different sizes according to the pipe diameter. The device can be applied to different types of underground pipelines, including pipe jacking, long-industrial pipeline, fewer-obstacles pipeline, and larger-slope pipeline.
High accuracy: Equipped with high-precision inertial measurement unit, which can accurately measure the three-dimensional trend of the pipeline.
Strong independence: the inertial navigation measurement unit does not need the GPS positioning signals assistance, and it is suitable for underground pipeline environment.
Strong technical scalability: different types of wheelsets can be freely changed according to the pipe size to meet the surveying tasks.
Strong stability: the inertial navigation measurement module with autonomous judgment processing function to ensure the stable operation of the system.
Large storage space: up to 8 pipes mapping data can be stored at the same time; for each pipe, up to 40 minutes of mapping data can be saved.
Fast surveying speed: mapping through dragging the device in the pipeline, and this overcomes the trivial steps of mapping multiple points in ordinary underground pipeline surveying.
Wide applied range: no limitation to pipe type and buried depth. It is not subject to underground magnetic interference.